Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekly Update: Ask and Explore

I am sure you have all dealt with this one time or another. Your child gets into the car after his/her Youth Service and you ask them, " So what did you learn?" If your like most parents I have spoken with, your child's answer doesn't impress you.

Some of you expressed your desire to know more of what we are discussing with your children on a regular basis. How we are going to start informing you is through an email called Ask and Explore. My desire as the Pastor of Student Ministries is for you to see what we have been asking and exploring with your child and in turn give you an opportunity to revisit those Biblical teachings at home.

As you can see below (in the example, issue 1), we are going to give you the same questions we asked your kids in their small groups, which allows you to ask and explore with them what they have been learning. We hope that this will be helpful as you minister to your family.

Thanks again for allowing us to invest in your kids as they come to know Jesus intimately. We love being a part of their lives.


Issue 1 - 8.26.2010

Last night we continued our study of Ephesians. At this point in the series we are in chapter 4. The specific verses we read and taught to your children were 1-16. As you will see (after you read the text) much of this passage talks about the unity of the body. Below are some questions that you can ask and explore with your children. I am excited to hear how it goes. Talk to you soon.

READ: Ephesians 4:1-16

  1. Ephesians talks about us being rich, what are some of the riches we have while being found in Christ?
  2. What are spiritual gifts intended for?
  3. What are your spiritual gifts?
Important: If you found Ask and Explore to be a helpful resource and you would like to subscribe to this weekly email, please do so by clicking HERE.