It is really awesome to see students from EFCC serving the kids at VBS. Below are some of the pics taken by tres bebe. As you can see, students loving kids was a good time. Thanks to all the students that helped at VBS. God was definitely glorified.
Come and serve with us at the Jesus Center, Saturday, August 7. This is a great opportunity to partner with God and what He is doing in the world. If your interested in coming meet us in the EFCC parking lot at 7 am. See you there.
To gear up for the school year EFCC Student Ministries will be taking a break from our Thursday night services. We will NOT be having them on the following dates: July 29, August 5, and August 12. We will resume meeting on August 19, which will be our KICK OFF PARTY. See you there!
A couple of weeks ago the JrHi headed out to Lake Oroville for an amazing time on the water. We had a blast getting ripped around the lake, eating hot links, and enjoying everyone's company. What a good day!
For more details on this event please visit SrHi EXIT Project or check out a flyer at one of our Communication Racks (located outside Will Wilsons office in the Gym or outside Kenny Stone's office). Hope to see you there!
Can you say GONE FISHING? This event was killer! Thanks so much Jim, Sandy and the guys for your hospitality. We loved coming fishing. Below are some pics from the event (stay tuned for a video).
After surveying the market the EFCC Students headed over to the Children's Park for a little Ultimate Disc (frisbee). Below are some crazy pics from the event. Thanks for the awesome time friends!