Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Event: For Dad's ONLY


EFCC will be starting a ministry called “For Dads Only,” on Thursday mornings, beginning January 12 at 6 am in the gym.

This ministry is centered on the idea of “Dads Assisting Dads towards Significance.” Each week we will look at a principle from God’s Word, talk through some practical applications of that principle and end our time together in prayer.

Pastor Will Wilson will be leading the group, so please feel free to contact him with any questions at 530-680-8512. This group is designed for dads of all ages, so even if your children are out of the home, you are still a dad and have things to offer younger men in the group. If you are curious to see if this might be something God is leading you to or to hear more of the vision and details, come to the meeting on the 12th. No obligation!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Video: All Youth - Christmas Party

Event: SrHi - FREE BBQ @ CHS Cancelled

Due to Chico High School's finals schedule we have had to CANCEL the BBQ on Thursday, Dec. 15. Sorry if this has inconvenienced anyone. Have a Merry Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 2, 2011

All Youth - Serve @ the Christmas Extravaganza

Yo students we need your help! On Sunday, Dec. 18 EFCC is doing this cool event for kids called the Christmas Extravaganza. We want you to serve at it. EFCC's Children Ministries needs your help. Please see the details on the picture below. To volunteer, please contact Michelle (our Childrens Ministry Director) at 530.343.6022 or michelle@efcchico.org THANKS!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Event: SrHi - FREE BBQ @ Chico High School

I am sure some of you have heard, but we are having a FREE BBQ the next three Thursdays (Dec. 1, 8, and 15) during the second lunch of Chico High School. We will be standing on the esplanade on your way to downtown near the Bidwell Mansion. Our hope in this is to love and serve High School students. Come find us during the second lunch hour. Make sure to bring your friends and even invite people you don't know. It would be awesome!