Friday, July 29, 2011

Video: SrHi - Sr. Trip

Man, we love our Seniors! Thanks so much to each one of you who came on the Sr. Trip. We had such a rad time exploring San Francisco with you. As I created this video, you all made me laugh so much. Good times friends! (Sorry the voices are off a little. Vimeo was being weird today.)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

FREE Download: Closer by Shawn McDonald

Shawn McDonald is a rad christian artist who has been putting out great music for awhile. I would highly recommend buying at least one of his albums. At the least get a FREE download of his latest song Closer by clicking HERE or click the pic below. Enjoy friends!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pics: SrHi - Sr. Trip

We had a rad time with our students in San Francisco! Thanks so much to the Bryce and Jill for organizing the event. We had such a good time scouting the city, buying souvenirs, and eating fondue. Make sure to check out the pictures below, which were taken by Kimberly (K Stone Photography). Thanks so much for catching the smiles. Cheers to our Seniors!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pics: All Youth - Splash Party (Part Two)

Thanks so much for a blast last night at the Splash Party. It was so much fun scooping Ice Cream and Cannon Ballin'. Thank-you Bettner family for allowing us to use your home, you rock!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pics: SrHi - Creek Float

What a great time we had yesterday on the Butte Creek. 25 of us set out on the SrHi - Creek Float. We left from the Steel Bridge and arrived at Honey Run Bridge about 2 hrs later. Thanks for the memories gang! Good times had by all.