Friday, June 29, 2012

Event: All Youth - Serve our Neighbors

God tells us that we are to love those around us as Jesus has loved us. The EFCC Student Ministries has created a project to do just that. We have decided to serve our neighbors near the church.


July 15 from 9:45 am - 11:00 am
July 22 from 12:30 pm - 5:30 pm

What we will be doing:
July 15, we will be taking some time to let our neighbors know about the Car Wash and BBQ by handing out flyers throughout our community near EFCC.
July 22, will be the actual day of the event. On this day we will be feeding our neighbors and washing their cars.


- If you have any car washing materials or buckets you would like to bring please feel free to.

- Bring a friend!

Event: All Youth - BBQ @ 1 Mile Pool

Most of you will be serving in the Children Ministries at VBS during this week, but on Wednesday, July 25 right after VBS is over, come join us at 1 Mile for a BBQ, swimming, games, and just chilling in the sun. It will be a blast to see friends and just hang out. See you there!

NEED A PERMISSION SLIP? There is one below:

Event: All Youth - Splash Party

Come join us Wednesday, July 18 at the Anderson’s house for the Splash Party.  It is going to be a blast! We will swim, socialize, play games and eat dinner together.  The party starts at 4:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm.

When: Wednesday, July 18
Where:  Anderson's House
Cost: FREE
    What to Bring: 
  • Swimsuit (modest) NO bikini's or speedo's please.
  • Towel
  • Sunscreen
  • A friend
  • Permission slip

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Event: SrHi - Creek Float

Who doesn’t like to float the creek on these HOT summer days in Chico?  I know that I like to.  If you are in High School, you do not want to miss this event.  We are going to float the Butte Creek, have a BBQ, and just enjoy one another’s company.  Hope to see you there!  

Note: Everyone needs a permission slip.  Print one off below!

Pics: SrHi - Sr. Trip

Yesterday we had a great time celebrating our Seniors who just graduated from High School this last semester.  We wanted to make sure we spoiled them for the Senior Trip so below are a few of the things we did together.  Thanks for the great memories and we will miss you!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Video: All Youth - Day Hike

Here is some video footage from the All Youth - Day Hike that we went on recently. Such a good time! Enjoy.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Pics: All Youth - Day Hike

Today we ventured into the wild with these crazy students!  It was a ton of fun to hangout, find some swimming holes, and walk all over Upper Park.  Thanks for the great memories dudes and dudets!