Friday, August 31, 2012

2012/13 Student Ministries Staff

Hey students and parents, here are your Student Ministries volunteer staff for this year!  As some of you may know, these people below invest into your children the entire school year.  They work hard to partner with you as a parent in pointing your children to Jesus.  It would be great to have you check out who is leading your child's small group.  See below.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Video: Tenth Avenue North - You are more

This song is a great a word to hear as you all are continuing to settle into school.  Remember where your true identity is found...  Enjoy friends!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Event: BUNCO Game Night!


Come join us for a great night of fun playing Bunco to try and win great prizes! There will be 5 different prizes that will be given out. The prizes we are giving out are: Most BUNCOS, Most Wins, Most Losses, Girl Who Brings the Most Friends, and Guy Who Brings the Most Friends! It will be a great way to get to know more people and let’s be honest, you have nothing better to do! Don’t know how to play? Do not worry, we will teach you! See you there, friends!

Event: Parent Open House

There are a variety of ways we are partnering with parents in the Student Ministries.  Rather than tell you about them, I think it is better for you to see with your own eyes.  I want to invite you to our Open House.  Come with your child and join us for IMPACT on Tuesday, October 2 .  We would love for you to see first hand how we are partnering with you as parents, who want to see their children come to know Jesus more deeply.  Near the end of our time together I will give you an opportunity to ask questions and converse with other parents.  It is going to be an awesome evening!  I hope to see you there!

Video: Baptism Announcement

Friday, August 17, 2012

Event: Baptisms

To all students (JrHi and SrHi) who are interested, we will be having baptisms at the Adams' house at the beginning of the year party on September 11th!  If you would like to be baptized, please contact Kenny at either or 530-343-6022 extension 240.  Thanks friends, hope to see you there!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Event: All Youth - Beginning of the year party

In order to get the 2012/2013 school year started right, we need to do something.  That something is happening on Tuesday, September 11 from 6-9 pm.   We are going to kick off the year with a party. Come join us at the Adams' home for dinner, swimming, games, and a look at what the next year will hold for EFCC Student Ministries.  We are so excited to see you! 

Need a permission slip?? Look below!

IMPACT (mid-week) begins Tuesday, Sept. 11

Many of you have been asking.... When will our mid-week IMPACT service begin?  Well I've got news for you.  Our first mid-week IMPACT service is Tuesday, September 11 at 7 pm.  We can't wait to have another great school year with you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New IMPACT service time

As most of you know, Student Ministries youth services (IMPACT) have been meeting on Sundays from 9:45-11 am and on Thursdays from 7-9 pm.  This is changing after Sunday, September 30.  Below are the changes:
  1. IMPACT  is now on Tuesday (our mid-week youth service) from 7-9pm
  2. IMPACT (our Sunday youth service) is now at 11:00 am in room 12 next to the youth room and the Multi-Purpose Room.  This is a change that has come out of EFCC adding a service to Sunday mornings.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or email Kenny Stone at 530.343.6022 or

Friday, August 3, 2012

Pics: JrHi - Creek Float

Yesterday a gang of us headed up to the Little Butte Creek for our JrHi - Creek Float.  Below are some pics from our adventure.  Enjoy!