Thursday, September 16, 2010

EFCC Student Ministries is MOVING!

Don't worry were not moving too far, but we are excited about some new changes coming up in October.

Beginning October 3rd, the Student Ministries will be meeting on Sundays and Thursday nights in the Multi Purpose room. Currently we are meeting in the Gym (Sundays) and the Fellowship Hall (Thursdays). This change comes because an adult sunday school class has grown too large and can only use the space in the gym on Sunday mornings. So then, this gave us an opportunity to be in the Multi Purpose room both Sundays and Thursday evenings, which will give us more consistency.

In addition, the Student Ministries has acquired the Fireside Room and will be using that space as a permanent Students lounge/hangout area. In the room we will have ping pong, foos ball, couches, air hockey, and much more. It is going to be a lot of fun.

As we create this new Students lounge/hangout area we are looking for your help. If you or your student has a knack for design we would love your help. Please email Kenny at

Also, we will be looking to fill the new space with some certain items. If you would like to contribute we are looking to have the following in the room. Thanks so much.
- Couches
- Gaming Console: Wii
- Big Screen TV