Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Go to the Movies for FREE

Want to go to the movies for FREE? From Thursday, March 13 to Thursday, March 22 we want to give away FREE tickets to JrHi or SrHi students who want to go to the movie October Baby. The movie is showing at Tinsel Town the weekend of March 23-25. If you would like to go then there are three simple steps you must complete.

1. Make sure you're in JrHi or SrHi.
2. Ask your Parents if you can see the movie. It's rating is PG-13.
3. Get a note from your parents saying it is ok to see.
4. Once you have a note from your Parents, come pick up a ticket from EFCC's office. It is open Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm. We will give you a FREE ticket to the movies in exchange for a note from your parents.