Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SrHi - Mission Trip to SF

It's official.  This summer EFCC Student Ministries is taking the SrHi on a mission trip to San Francisco.  Below are the details:

June 21-25

This trip is for our SrHi students (9th-12th).  We are inviting all incoming freshman (those who are graduating from 8th grade) and graduating Seniors to join us.  I will say this is going to be a great trip, but it will be challenging.  I want to see as many students come as possible but, I promise that it will stretch you.  

I would also love to see parents join us in this journey, where you could play a significant role in leading.   Thanks so much for considering.

This trip is a total of 5 days.  We will be spending 3 days in SF and 2 days in Chico.  This trip is for incoming SrHi students, current SrHi students, and 2012 Graduates.  

We desire to have our students grow deeper in loving God, loving family (other Jesus followers), and loving their neighbors (those who don't know Jesus).  While in SF we will join an organization called City Impact.  They will be training and sending us into the city to share the good news of Jesus in a variety of ways.  Once finished doing ministry in SF we will return to Chico and do similar service projects in our own community.  My desire is that Students would begin to see the Great Commission as a lifestyle rather than a life event.  That Jesus has called them to live missionally here in Chico and to the ends of the earth.  I am pumped to see how God will use us, but also what He will do in us.  

So what do you say, will you join us?

Price before June 2 - $139
Price after June 2 - $159

Below is a registration form.  If you wish to print it off.  You can also pick one of these up at EFCC in one of our communication racks located in the Youth Room, Gym, and Foyer.