Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All Youth - ReStorethePad

As many of the you know the EFCC Student Ministries is moving! With the move comes an awesome opportunity for us to make a room in the church our own.

With the permission of EFCC the Student Ministries is taking over the Fireside Room. Here is the problem though, we need to give this room a makeover. For those of you that are interested in helping us turn this room upside down we would like to invite you to join us Sunday, October 24 where we will do exactly that. After church we will provide pizza for anyone who would like to stay and help us transform this room. More details are below:

When: Sunday, Oct. 24
Time: After the 2nd Church service - 5 pm
Where: Fireside Room

Bring: Anything that you would like to contribute the room. For example - maybe you have posters, pictures, frames, etc. that you would like to donate to the room. Were not promising that all your stuff will be put up but it would be cool for all of us to bring something and we will just see what we use and what we don't.

Come join us my friends!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Video: NeedtoBreathe - Washed by the Water

I know you crazy teenagers are always looking for new music so every once in awhile we like to post some potential new music for you to listen to. This weeks pic is Washed by the Water by NeedtoBreathe. This is the acoustic version, but I think you will love it.

Event: 2011 Mexico AMOR Trip

Annually our church takes a group of high school students to Tijuana, Mexico during their Spring Break to help build hope, by building homes for Mexican families. The Amor Mission trip to Mexico turns the eyes of our young men and women on the needs of the poor, provides opportunities for them to share with their friends the love of Christ, and builds Christian community by engaging committed adults and young people side by side in service to others.

Since 1980, Amor Ministries has been arranging short-term mission trips to Mexico to build housing for the poor. Each year, Amor Ministries provides more than 1,000 new homes for poor Mexican families. These homes are constructed by more than 25,000 people from churches across the U.S. and around the world.

2011 will be the 20th year that the Evangelical Church of Chico has sent a team. Our 2010 team included over 135 students and adults. They built five homes for Mexican families. We are so thankful for the many who make sacrifices to see this ministry take place!

The dates for our 2011 trip are March 12-19, 2011.

If you are interested please make sure to come to one of the following:

1st Mexico Information Meeting
When: Sunday, October 10th
Time: 4 pm
Where: EFCC Gym.

2nd Mexico Information Meeting
When: Tuesday, October 12
Time: 7 pm
Where: EFCC Gym.

Registration Packets will be available for pick up at those meetings. Please if you have any questions please don't hesitate to call or email Kenny Stone at the following:

Email: kenny@efcchico.org
Phone: 530.343.6022

Friday, September 17, 2010

Event: SrHi Jesus Center

Come and serve food with us at the Jesus Center, Saturday, October 30. This is a great opportunity to partner with God and what He is doing in the world. If your interested in coming meet us in the EFCC parking lot at 7 am. See you there.

Event: All Youth Hoe-Down

It’s fall and to celebrate the season we are having a Hoe-Down! We will join an adult sunday school class and the college group to enjoy square and line dancing, pumpkin carving, finger foods and other activities. Come dressed in country apparel and ready to have a great time! More details below:

When: Oct. 30
Time: 7pm-9:30pm
Where: EFCC Gym
Cost: FREE

Event: SrHi Jesus Center

Come and serve food with us at the Jesus Center, Saturday, October 2. This is a great opportunity to partner with God and what He is doing in the world. If your interested in coming meet us in the EFCC parking lot at 7 am. See you there.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

EFCC Student Ministries is MOVING!

Don't worry were not moving too far, but we are excited about some new changes coming up in October.

Beginning October 3rd, the Student Ministries will be meeting on Sundays and Thursday nights in the Multi Purpose room. Currently we are meeting in the Gym (Sundays) and the Fellowship Hall (Thursdays). This change comes because an adult sunday school class has grown too large and can only use the space in the gym on Sunday mornings. So then, this gave us an opportunity to be in the Multi Purpose room both Sundays and Thursday evenings, which will give us more consistency.

In addition, the Student Ministries has acquired the Fireside Room and will be using that space as a permanent Students lounge/hangout area. In the room we will have ping pong, foos ball, couches, air hockey, and much more. It is going to be a lot of fun.

As we create this new Students lounge/hangout area we are looking for your help. If you or your student has a knack for design we would love your help. Please email Kenny at kenny@efcchico.org

Also, we will be looking to fill the new space with some certain items. If you would like to contribute we are looking to have the following in the room. Thanks so much.
- Couches
- Gaming Console: Wii
- Big Screen TV

Event: the GREAT COUCH event

Thursday, September 30 will be an AMAZING night! From 7pm-9pm EFCC Student Ministries is going to do a scavenger hunt like no other. It is called the GREAT COUCH event. In this event there will be two teams who set out to conquer different obstacles with a couch by their side. This event will be filled with laughs, teamwork, and of course a whole heck of a lot of fun. SEE YOU THERE! See details below:

When: Thursday, Sept. 30
Time: 7pm-9pm
Where: Meet @ EFCC
What to Bring: Your Friends

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Video: David Crowder - Oh Happiness

Looking for some new music? Check this song out. This is a great band with an amazing message. I highly recommend it. Enjoy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Event: All Youth Love Chico

Love Chico is an incredible opportunity for you to step up to a call that God has put on our lives. One of the ways (NOT the only way) God asks us to bring the gospel is in deed. On September 26 there are plenty of ways to do just that. EFCC Student Ministries is encouraging all students to serve the city along side their parents, but if for some reason your parents are NOT getting involved you can join Kenny and Kimberly Stone at the Chico High School project.

Sign up today by doing the following:

Click here
Create an Account
Log into your Account
Click the Project Tab
Pick your Project