Tuesday, September 28, 2010

All Youth - ReStorethePad

As many of the you know the EFCC Student Ministries is moving! With the move comes an awesome opportunity for us to make a room in the church our own.

With the permission of EFCC the Student Ministries is taking over the Fireside Room. Here is the problem though, we need to give this room a makeover. For those of you that are interested in helping us turn this room upside down we would like to invite you to join us Sunday, October 24 where we will do exactly that. After church we will provide pizza for anyone who would like to stay and help us transform this room. More details are below:

When: Sunday, Oct. 24
Time: After the 2nd Church service - 5 pm
Where: Fireside Room

Bring: Anything that you would like to contribute the room. For example - maybe you have posters, pictures, frames, etc. that you would like to donate to the room. Were not promising that all your stuff will be put up but it would be cool for all of us to bring something and we will just see what we use and what we don't.

Come join us my friends!